BARC Bhabha Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2019: Bhabha Atomic Research Center [BARC] invites applications from eligible candidates to apply ON-LINE through the website for the 47 posts of Plant Operator, Laboratory Assistant, Technician / C Boiler Operator, Technician / B Painter, Fitter, Welder, Turner, Electrician, Instrument Mechanic, Electronic Mechanic and A/C Mechanic Under Stipendiary Trainee.
All details about BARC Bhabha Stipendiary Trainee vacancy such as educational qualification, age limit, application fee, selection process, Important Date, Notification and how to apply, etc given below-
Total Post: 47 Posts
Post Name: Stipendiary Trainee
Education Qualification:
- Plant Operator: 12th from PCM with 60% marks.
- Laboratory Assistant: 12th from PCM with 60% Marks OR ITI from Laboratory Assistant Certificate.
- Technician / C Boiler Operator: 10th with 1st Class Boiler Attendant Certificate.
- Technician / B Painter: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Fitter: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Welder: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Turner: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Electrician: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Instrument Mechanic: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- Electronic Mechanic: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
- A/C Mechanic: 10th with 60% marks with ITI Certificate.
Age Limit as on: 07/08/ 2019
- Minimum Age: 18 years
- Maximum Age: 25 years
- Age Relaxation Extra As Per recruitment rule.
यदि आप इस पोस्ट से सम्बंधित कोई प्रश्न पूछना चाहते है, तो नीचे कमैंट्स बॉक्स में लिखे। हम आपको जल्द से जल्द जबाब देंगे।
Application Fee:
- General/OBC: 100/-
- SC/ST/PH: 0/-
- All Category Female: 0/-
Applicants required to pay fees through online using internet banking/debit card/credit card.
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Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Written Exam, Skill Test, Documents Verification.
Important Dates:
- Online Application Begin: 10/07/2019
- Last Date for online application: 09/08/2019
- Last Date for fees payment: 12/08/2019
- Tentative date of downloading online admit card: Sept 2019
- Examination Date: 05-10 Sept 2019
How to apply for BARC Bhabha Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2019:
- Read through the instructions carefully or see the notification.
- Go to the official website of the BARC
- Click on the link “Recruitment”.
- Select the desired post and click on it.
- Fill in your details and submit the application form.
- Download the form and take a print out for future reference.
Those Candidates Who Are Interested in the above Vacancy and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Full Notification and Apply Online 2019.
Important Links:
Apply Online | Registration || Login |
Notification | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |